Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

23 Hawthorn wb 16th January

There's been lots of lovely learning in Hawthorn class this week!
In English, the children have been writing different types of sentences about penguins in preparation for creating their own non-fiction texts. On Thursday, they did some fact-finding about snakes which will be the subject of our practise writing next week. We'll then choose a different animal as the inspiration for our final written pieces. 
Children of both age groups have been using number lines in Maths, and you can see the Year 1s at work with them and other resources to explore numbers up to 20. Year 2s are ready to start multiplication and division next week, so times tables are fast approaching!
Last week, the children created these lovely collage globes for the start of their learning about continents. They'll be taking them home tonight and should be able to name all the continents and tell you a few facts about them. Next, we're moving on to our focus on Antarctica - and we've already learnt a bit about the conditions there in our English lessons.
In RE, our topic asks the question, what do Christians believe God is like? The children have explored this concept through the parables of the Prodigal Son and the Lost Sheep and had a lot of fun designing a poster about the missing sheep on Tuesday.
We started our swimming lessons on Thursday and all the children were well behaved and showed off their current skills as they learned new ones.
In PSHE, we have been thinking about feelings and the children heard about The Colour Monster.  There were different colours that represented different feelings; yellow was happy, blue was sad, red was angry, green was calm and black was frightened.  The children have made their own colour guide and we are going to do a lot more work on this to help the children understand their own emotions.
Finally it was our class's turn to go to Forest School.  We had a lovely time at the park picking litter and generally enjoying the outdoors, as you can see from the photos!