Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

23 Holly wb 22nd May

It has been a very exciting week for Holly Class! On Wednesday morning we took part in a multi-skills festival with 4 other schools from the cluster. We had so much fun taking part in many different activities that the school sports leaders had organised, including obstacle courses, bean bag throwing, team building, tennis and hockey skills and so much more. Please take time to browse through the lovely photos of everyone! A massive thank you to Mrs Thornton and the sports leaders for all of your hard work.

In Phonics this week reception have learnt the new phonemes ‘ure’ and ‘ur’ and practiced lots of tricky words. Year 1 have recapped the phonemes ‘oo’, ‘ure’ and ‘ear’.

In English this week children have been introduced to the book ‘The Last Castle’ and predicted what they think Ibb might find behind the castle door. Year 1 have also practiced using subordinating and coordinating conjunctions within sentences and independently re-telling the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’.

In Maths this week, reception have practiced their subitising (recognising quantities without counting), number bonds to 5 and double facts to 10. Year 1 have been describing and recognising quarter, half, three- quarter and full turns, as well as different positions (left, right, above and below).

The children have enjoyed making the most of our castle themed provision before half term break. I wonder what theme will be next?

Have a lovely break everyone!    Miss Palmer and Miss Hunt