Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Oak Week Beginning November 13th

Kindness Week has offered up many opportunities for Oak Class to take part in lots of practical activities, which we have completed alongside lots of other curricular work too.

To celebrate and promote kindness, we have painted some rocks with kindness messages, kept a wellbeing record of how we feel, had lots of discussions about how we can be kinder, and following a virtual workshop, created something to give to someone as  an act of kindness. We discussed the science of being kind and how it actually helps us to be mentally and physically better off and for homework, have been keeping a sleep diary so they can see if how much sleep impacts on our mood. To finish off our Kindness tasks, we looked at how we could be kind to ourselves and how important making time for ourselves and thinking positively is vital for our wellbeing. To keep this at the forefront of our minds we each made a bracelet with an inspirational word on so we can wear them and use them to have a self affirming moment when we need it. 

In English we have started a new writing genre: explanation texts. We will be using two texts for this, Wallace and Gromit - Cracking Contraptions Manual and Secrets of Stonehenge. We will be using these texts as models to inspire us to become better at this writing style, whilst learning about fabulous inventions and historical monuments. In Maths we have continued to study the multiplication and division facts in times tables in Year 4 and the Year 5's have been building on their times tables knowledge by learning all about common multiples and factors and investigating prime, square and cubed numbers.

In computing this week we have begun to experiment with some software called Audacity which we will use to eventually create a podcast. The children spent their first lesson recording their voices, deleting and creating multi track recordings. They had great fun and some were really surprised about how their voice sounds when played back! In topic we have been learning all about the Neolithic settlement at Skara Brae and used history detective skills to work out what the hoses would have looked like 3000 years ago.