Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow - WC 27.06.22

This week in Willow Class, the children have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes. They used marshmallows and cocktail sticks to construct 3D prisms. We described our shapes using the correct mathematical vocabulary. 

As part of our English lessons, the children learned how to write their own explanation text, following various steps to success that the children had written as a class. They created their own mechanical machine idea and explained how it worked in clear, chronological steps. 

This week, we also had a successful transition morning. The children enjoyed working with their new classes. 

Our Topic this week has been based on the coral reefs found in the Maldives. It is the 8th largest coral reef in the world and made up of hundreds of thousands of individual animals called polyps. We found out that these polyps form into different shapes and sizes depending on their species and some only grow up to 1cm per year! The coral reef  in the Maldives is known as an atoll which is a ring of coral that grows on a submerged volcano or mountain and require warm temperatures to grow. Using all of this information, we have created our own version of a coral reef for our class display and are going on to look at how the coral reef is so important for animals and also humans. We will be sure to share a photo of our completed display with you once we have pieced all of our corals together.