Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

22-Hawthorn Wb 10th October

This week, the children have been learning about verbs and conjunctions linked to our current text, Little People, Big Lives: Florence Nightingale. Year 1s have started to join two simple sentences with the word 'and' while Year 2s have used the subordinating conjunctions when, if, that and but. Next week, they'll be applying what they've learned during some practice writing sessions.
In Maths, Year 1s have been exploring part whole models in more detail. Year 2s have been comparing and ordering numbers. Our new Mastering Number sessions continue to go well and are helping the children to develop their number sense.
In Phonics the year 1 children have been learning "igh" alternatives - ie, i_e, y, i and also the tricky words, water and where.
In History, we considered what Florence Nightingale's greatest achievements were. Having thought about what she did in her life, the children then worked in small groups to order a set of ten achievements from most to least important. This prompted a great deal of discussion, and we were able to agree on their top three suggestions once we'd tallied their results. After that, we completed a class challenge to write a 30-word tribute for a statue erected in her honour. 
Having found out about Christian symbols in RE, this week we investigated Jewish symbols such as the Star of David and Menorah. The children enjoyed looking at the artefacts we have in school and the Year 2s remembered a lot of their learning from last year.
In Computing the children have been dropping and dragging items in a picture to sort IT items that are used inside and outside.
Finally, in Science, we are continuing with our work on habitats and the children carried out a bug hunt of different microhabitats.   It's getting a little cold, but we found quite a few things still living in the playground!