Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 13.05.24

This week, the children have worked very hard in writing lessons and have shown a great knowledge of various life cycles. Over the last few weeks we have been exploring non fiction texts and discussing the layout and features to produce our own. On Monday, the children picked out the different grammar used to construct the sentences in paragraphs. On Tuesday, the children worked in pairs to reconstruct paragraphs of a frog life cycle text. We discussed the technical vocabulary used and this helped to improve our knowledge of scientific words. At the end  of the week, the children used what they have learned to produce their own text focussing particularly on layout, subheadings and the subject in each paragraph. We also used a new app 'Chatterkid' to help us plan our writing which we enjoyed doing as we got to create a talking strawberry before creating our final non fiction texts. Well done Willow class.

In Maths, we have continued our  work on time. We compared analogue and digital clocks and the difference between a.m and p.m.  Please can the children continue to practise this skill at home as this will help to embed what they have learned and to secure this essential life skill. As part of our Science work on life cycles, the children have been looking at the human life cycle and the changes that happen over our life time. We discussed the changes babies go through in such a short time, all the way up to what life is like for senior citizens.

In Art we used clay to sculpt a flower. We have been exploring the form of flowers in our previous Art lessons and had to recreate our final designs into a clay sculpture. The children were taking a lot of care and paying attention to the finer details which we were really proud of. In our Topic lessons we have been exploring the Roman baths and considering what life looked like for different members of society at this time. We became quiz masters to show our knowledge of the key areas found in Roman baths and how they were used. There were some excellent questions!