Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

23 Holly Class W/B 12th June 2023

It has been a lovely and sunny week in Holly Class! This week our class story has been ‘The Snail and the Whale’ and the children have been focusing on expanding their vocabulary by thinking of different adjectives to describe the snail and the whale. We came up with some amazing words such as ‘tiny’, ‘swirly’, ‘sharp’ and ‘massive’. Both reception and year 1 have practiced applying this within their writing. As a class we have also identified seaside towns in the UK and compared these to familiar towns in Worcestershire.

In Phonics, year 1 have been practicing phase 5 phonemes and reading these within real and alien words. Reception have been identifying phonemes within CVCC words and writing words independently.

In Maths year 1 have identified tens and ones within numbers and made and compared different two-digit numbers. Reception have practiced their number bonds to 10 and how to show numbers to 10 by showing ‘5 and a bit’ on their fingers.

In Literacy year 1 have continued with their work on reports and used pictures to create their own title, heading and facts for a report. They have also practiced using the correct punctuation, tense and coordinating conjunctions to expand sentences.

In Science this week the children have been learning all about different types of seeds, how they disperse and grow into plants. They had so much fun in forest school collecting seeds and looking closely at buds through the magnifying glasses.

See you next week!

Miss Palmer and Miss Hunt