Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

23 Holly Class W/B 1st May 2023

A very royal week in Holly Class! We have engaged in many exciting activities this week to learn about and celebrate the Kings coronation. We have practiced our song ‘Sing for the King’, painted pictures of the king, his crown and his sceptre, watched videos and read books all about the coronation and what this means and of course had our special coronation celebration on Friday! Everybody looked fantastic in their own clothes and crowns! A special well done to Edie for being such an amazing Holly Class monarch and leading our class! We hope you all had a fantastic time.

In phonics this week, reception have recapped the sounds ‘ch, sh and ng’ and how to write these within words. Year 1 have recapped the split digraphs ‘u-e, i-e and o-e’ and used these within sentences. Both classes are showing a really big improvement in their retention of sounds, so keep up the good work everyone!

In maths this week, reception have continued their work on doubles and completed a round robin of activities to practice this skill. We have also used mirrors and counters to identify doubles on butterfly and ladybird pictures. Year 1 have continued their work on multiplication and division this week by sharing objects into groups. We have used the number sentence ‘… shared equally into … groups makes … in each group’  to help us. We have also completed an assessment to consolidate our understanding.

In literacy this week we have read the story ‘The Paper Bag Princess’ and discussed what the princess may have been thinking and feeling. Reception have written short sentences about how was feeling and Year 1 have created their own thought bubbles from the princess’ perspective. They have also created their own story maps for ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and used these to sequence their own retelling of the story.

In art this week we have recapped the work of Paul Klee and planned how we are going to create our own prints in a few weeks.

Well done to everyone for your hard work this week. We hope you enjoy the extra-long weekend!

Miss Palmer and Miss Hunt