Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

23 24 Hawthorn Wb 22nd April

In Hawthorn class this week we've continued our work on Performance Poetry. We discussed the effect of using actions and then had a go at performing a class poem, as can be seen in some of the photos below. We held our heat for the Poetry Plate Competition on Wednesday and were very impressed by the range of poems presented and the children's performances. The children voted for their favourites and Artie, Georgia and Jack were chosen to represent our class in the finals. Very well done to all the children - we feel very proud of each and every one!
In maths, Year 1s have been learning about arrays - spotting them in the real world as well as using them as a tool in multiplication. Year 2s have been focusing on quarters and thirds. They've found them in shapes as well as amounts, which is a trickier concept to understand. You might like to practise this important skill with your child at home, sharing out everyday items and making equal parts.
We started our topic in earnest this week. The children became History Detectives and studied a range of clues to find out how, why, when and where the Great Fire of London started. We'll be exploring the event in more detail during the coming weeks. 
In Computing, we've been learning more about important keys on a keyboard and used Word to write some sentences for an advert about a missing teddy.
In Science, we started our new topic of Animals including Humans.  The children did a quick quiz to see what they already knew and then we started to think about animal offspring and how they change as they grow.
Finally, it was our first week swimming and for the year 1s it was the first time ever with school!  The children all did really well and we are looking forward to watching them develop over the next 9 weeks.