Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

2324 Holly Class week beginning 3rd June

It may have been a shorter week at school this week but we have squeezed a lot in and it has been a lovely start to the last summer half term. 

On Wednesday we went on our school trip to Sandfield farm with the children in Hawthorn class. We had the most wonderful day with Emma who immersed the children in life at the farm and gave them lots of opportunity to play, explore and learn. After the trip there on the bus (which caused great excitement!) we first visited the classroom at the farm to learn a little bit about what Emma does and how to keep safe on the farm, we also met her two dogs who were also keen to show us around. During the morning, Emma then took the children on a walk around the farm, stopping along the way to tell us about the different plants that are found on the farm. This really brought lots of the science learning we have done back at school to life. After lunch back at the classroom we spent time in the magical play woods. The children played, problem solved, worked in teams and enjoyed the nature around them. 

Back at school we have been reading the story of The Little Red Hen, inspired by our trip to the farm. The children have done some wonderful writing and created some of their own characters to add into the story. The Reception children are becoming more and more confident with their sentence writing and the Year 1 children were challenged to add adjectives into their work to describe their characters. 

In maths this week, Year 1 have started their unit of work learning about fractions. They have been learning that a half is two parts that are equal and have been exploring different ways of showing this. The Reception children have been working on quick recall of their number bonds to 10, ask them if they can tell you any at home, they are getting quicker each week! 

Our new topic this term is all about where in the world we live. As part of this, Holly class are going to take part in the Wildlife Trust's 30 days wild challenge. This is a super opportunity to spend time appreciating the nature we have around us here in Ashton and we will be doing a little something outside every day in June. We are filling out a calendar showing all of our adventures and have sent home the weekend days of this if you would like to continue doing this at home.