Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Oak Week Beginning 3rd June 2024

This week has been short and sweet and it was lovely to welcome back the children after their half term holiday. Year 5's have been straight into rehearsals and have been throwing themselves into their roles, we are having lots of fun organising costumes and the action on the stage.  Please encourage them to learn their lines and practice the songs; they know where to find them. The Year 4's have been working really hard with Miss Fox  and have started on their new English topic, creating balanced arguments. So far, they have looked at a couple of different topics and the structure of this genre. balancing the for and against elements to create a argument.

In Maths this half term, in both year groups, we are back to decimals, but Year 4 are doing this in the context of money. If there are any opportunities for your Year 4 child to use money over the next few weeks this will help, especially if it involves calculating change and which coins to use. Next week, Year 4 will be doing their Multiplication Times Tables Check so any extra practice they can get would also be very helpful.

We mixed up our lessons on Wednesday and learnt how to use a new piece of software to present some information in history; they created a fact page all about the equipment a Roman solider used, with themselves as the soldier! It was a great activity, if a little fiddly at times, but he results were really impressive. Look in the gallery for some examples.

Well done to all for creating some gorgeous mini gardens in a tray, they look fabulous and show how creative and green fingered we are in Oak Class. Good luck for the judging, which is being done by visitors to the village Open Gardens. Fingers crossed we get some winners.