Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 04.03.24

This week as part of our Science lesson, the children used mirrors to play various mirror games. We learned how mirrors work and that they create a reflective surface. We had ago at writing secret messages and tried to decipher them using a mirror. We completed a maze we had drawn using the reflection in the mirror. Finally we used mirrors to create our own periscopes.

In writing lessons, we have been using conjunctions and prepositions to improve our sentences. We have used conjunctions to create adverbial phrases in our subordinating clauses. As part of World Book Day, we looked at the use of emotive language in 'The Day the Crayons Quit' and wrote letters to Duncan putting forward our point of view. 

On Wednesday the children took part in an ‘Engage with China’ afternoon. They learned how to say hello in Mandrin. “Ni” means you and “Hao” means well. We learned some interesting facts about China and found out that it is the year of the dragon and red is classed as a lucky colour. We located China on a world  map and found it takes approximately 12 hours to travel there. The children learned the population of China is 1.4 billion! This has a big impact on what the country provides. The children learned how to draw Chinese characters that represent the written language. These characters are universally used across the country. The children learned how to write the words ‘China’ and ‘Tea’ using Chinese calligraphy. The children created their own “lucky” envelope with a Chinese character on the front.

Art this week has involved preparing for printing our final pencil cases. We created our lino tiles ready for printing and used them to create a prototype. We found recreating our chosen patterns quite a challenge but show perseverance. We were really pleased with the overall finish and are looking forward to applying them to our pencil cases.