Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Willow wb 11.03.24

This week as part of our writing lessons the children have created their own explanation texts. The class had the choice of two topics that they could write and explain how something works. They were given a success criteria to follow to help include all the things we have been learning about over the last few weeks. Take a look at some of the photos to see how the children got on.  We have also been writing poetry in the form of kennings with a Spring/ Easter theme. We reviewed the terms noun, verb and noun phrase as well as some of us going on to build in abstract nouns. The children will be presenting their poems at our Easter service next week so we are looking forward to sharing them with you. 

This week has been Science week in school. We have investigated how shadows are made and what happens when you move a light source. Hopefully, after the Easter break we will have some more sunshine so the children can investigate how their shadow changes throughout the day. In addition to this, we have carried out several science experiments throughout the week. On Tuesday we created a “rainbow” using skittles and warm water and watched how the sugar dissolved to create a colourful design on the plate. 

Topic this week has been exploring the Science behind volcanoes and we have learnt all about what you would find inside of a volcano. We now know that a volcano is an opening in the Earth's crust from which molten lava, rock fragments, ash, dust and gases are emitted from below the Earth's surface. We found out that there are three main states a volcano can be in: active, dormant or extinct with some examples from around the world.  We created a cross section diagram to identify the different sections of the volcano and some of these are on display on our Topic working wall. The children did a fantastic job of recalling all of the key facts and we enjoyed watching video clips showing the reality of these volcanic eruptions on the earth. 

In PE on Tuesday, the children took part in a cricket taster afternoon. Please take a look at the photos on Mrs Thornton's PE blog here. We are also nearing the end of our swimming sessions with only two more sessions to go. This week we were especially proud of the children as some managed to achieve key distances such as 10m and 25m which is a huge step from the beginning of the lessons. They are all working so hard to improve technique too. 

On Monday, Willow and Oak class will be printing their pencil cases and we are looking forward to sharing these with you.