2425 Holly Class Week beginning 23rd September
It has been a busy week preparing to celebrate harvest in Holly Class. We have enjoyed learning the story of The Little Red Hen to share with everyone as part of the harvest festival and the children have been singing their hearts out, really working hard to learn the words and actions to our songs.
The Little Red Hen taught the children about the process of making bread from the very beginning when the wheat is planted to make flour. They have enjoyed finding out more about how combine harvesters work and harvest different types of food that eventually find their way to our dinner tables. On Wednesday the children had a go at making their own delicious bread and were very pleased with the results!
At drawing club this week the children drew the hen from our story and have also been sequencing photos of themselves making bread. The Year 1 children have used these photos and their writing skills to write some simple instructions. All of the children have enjoyed making gorgeous puppets of The Little Red Hen characters that they have used in the theatre to retell the story.
In maths the Reception children have been comparing size, mass and capacity. They had great fun in with the construction materials making small and big houses, using the balance scales to weigh different classroom objects and playing with different sized containers to see which holds more. The Year 1 children have been introduced to the greater then, less than and equal to symbols and have been using these to compare objects and numbers. They have also been ordering numbers and thinking about how these are used on a number line.
As well as this, the Year 1 children have taken part in their first computing lesson and all of the the children enjoyed some harvest themed painting and printing using some apples collected by the Acorn children!