Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Holly Class w/b 27th March 2023

What an amazing last week of term! Children have done lots of Easter themed learning this week, including making nests in forest school, writing Easter cards and learning all about the Easter story. In topic this week we have used our drawings of the village to create our own maps, showing someone how to walk all the way from school to the meadow. Year 1 have added their own keys which would help somebody to identify what they have drawn.

On Monday, reception class had the opportunity to learn all about satellites! They were so excited and had lots of questions to ask. A massive thank you to our lovely visitors!

In phonics this week, reception have recapped the phonemes ‘d’ ‘b’ and ‘i’, writing these individually and blending them to make words. Year 1 have recapped the phonemes ‘ew’, ‘au’, ‘oy’ and ‘ie’, writing these individually and blending them to make words within sentences. We have also recapped alien and tricky words.

In maths, reception have been continuing their work on one less and one more, using blocks and numicon scales to decide which numbers are bigger and which are smaller. We have made sure to practice this a lot this week in our learning and provision, so that the children are really secure on the concept and the language ‘more’ and ‘less’. The year 1’s have been exploring capacity and volume practically by using water to fill different containers. They have compared the volume and capacity of different containers using the language ‘more’ and ‘less’, as well as using inequality symbols.

In literacy this week, reception have been creating their own story characters and writing short sentences to describe them. They have been accessing lots of exciting activities that have been developing their fine motor skills, such as map making, creating patterns and writing their own easter cards. Year 1 have planned and completed their independent stories using self-assessment checklists; bringing together everything we have learnt this term. They have worked very hard and produced writing that they should be very proud of!

In science, we have learnt how plants and animals have adapted to their habitats, drawing particular focus to the desert. Reception even created a communal piece of art depicting the desert and the animals and plants that live there.

Finally, we had our Easter church celebration on Friday, where we wore bunny ears and face paint to perform our lovely class song ‘Little Peter Rabbit’. Holly Class did such an amazing job and I hope you enjoyed watching!

Have a great Easter break everyone. We are very excited to welcome you back next term with some more exciting adventures!