Ashton Under Hill First School

Shaping Bright Futures Together

Year R & 1 in Class Holly

Welcome to Holly Class

Our class is made up of a mixture of Reception and Year 1 children.

Our Class Teachers are Miss Hunt and Mrs Holdsworth 

our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Morgan, Miss Bevan and Mrs Gardiner

Yearly Plan Year 1 2021-2022Yearly Plan Year 1 2021-2022

Holly Class - Y1 meet the teacher presentation  

YR meet the teacher presentation 

Teaching Overview for 2023- 2024  

School Closure work for children in Holly Class

This term's Learning


Click here for the letter with information about the Autumn term 

Click here for information about our Transport topic

Click here to see which stories will lead our learning

Holly Class Y1 annual plan 2023-24      End of Year 1 expectations

Curriculum Subject Current theme
Maths Addition and subtraction (within 10)

Naughty Bus- Contemporary fiction


Reading Weekly guided reading- picture books, information texts, poetry

Animals including Humans


Topic History- Are we there yet? (Transport)
RE Why should we care for the world; why does it matter?
Art/DT Develop ideas through IT

Christmas songs


PSHE Valuing difference
Computing Digital painting

Regular Weekly Activities

Every day we spend some learning time outdoors and for this we ask that your child always has appropriate outdoor clothes in school.

Given the variable weather, please send your child in with an appropriate coat if the forecast is wet or a sunhat and layer of sun cream if it's going to be hot.  

What happens when?

Y1 spelling

YR keyring check


Change reading books

Y1 CEW keyring check

Forest School





Change reading books and choose library books



Family assembly




Links to resources to support learning


 White Rose Maths - information for parentsBBC Bitesize

Top Marks maths games Bug Club Phonics

Link to our Class blogs....

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